Assist in Worship
An important part of Episcopal worship is congregational participation. In addition to saying aloud the responses and certain prayers, there are certain liturgical roles filled by lay people:
Acolyte Guild: Both adults and youth (starting in 5th grade) may volunteer to serve at the Altar of St. Luke’s. Responsibilities include carrying processional torches and crosses, assisting the deacon prepare the altar and other duties as assigned.
Healing Ministry: Offer laying on of hands and healing prayers at the St. Luke’s devotional altar in the narthex.
Lay Eucharistic Minister (LEM): Assist the clergy in distributing Communion.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors (LEV): Take Communion to home-bound parishioners.
Lectors: Read the Old Testament and New Testament Lessons, as well as the Prayers of the People.
Ushers Guild: Direct people into the church, pass the alms basins during the offertory, and alert clergy to people who need Communion brought to the pew.
Vergers Guild: Lead the processions and assist the clergy by doing any task needed.
Some of these roles are recruited by clergy and some seek new members once or twice a year, in which case announcements will be posted with more information.
Check out the “Serving” tab in Realm to find out more about serving teams and express your interest.