“Holy Baptism is full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ’s Body the Church. The bond which God establishes in Baptism is indissoluble.
—The Book of Common Prayer, page 299.
The Sacrament of Baptism is initiation into the Church, a public celebration where candidates make solemn vows to live as followers of Christ.
Holy Baptism is offered to infants so they can share in the citizenship of Christ. Their vows are spoken for them by their sponsors, or godparents. When these children reach a suitable age, they reaffirm the vows for themselves in the sacrament of Confirmation.
In most Episcopal churches, Baptism is administered from a font, where water is poured over the candidate’s head. It may also be administered in a larger body of water, such as a pool or lake, by either affusion (pouring) or immersion.
After Baptism, a person, regardless of age, is considered a full member of the Church and is welcome to receive Holy Communion. The Episcopal Church recognizes baptisms in most Christian denominations as valid.
In accordance with ancient tradition and the Book of Common Prayer, St. Luke’s offers baptism on the following feasts: The Baptism of Our Lord (First Sunday after Epiphany), the Great Vigil of Easter, Pentecost, Transfiguration Sunday and All Saints Sunday.
Baptismal candidates, parents and sponsors (godparents) are required to participate in a baptismal class and rehearsal.
Baptism is always a joyous occasion at St. Luke’s. In an effort to live into our Baptismal vow “to seek and serve Christ in all persons,” parishioners often stage a ‘sandwich build” in the Parish Hall during the Christian Education hour, resulting in 2,000 sandwiches for our homeless neighbors.
Because the Baptismal Font signifies our spiritual entrance into the Church, it is often located in the entrance to the church or, as at St. Luke’s, accorded a prominent place by the chancel.
To schedule Baptism, contact the church office at 404-873-7600 as early as possible before one of the specified dates.