Children, Youth, and Families (CYF)
Children of all ages are most welcome in worship! Nursery care is also offered every Sunday morning from 8:45 am-12:45 pm for children 0-4 years.
Life-long Formation
Between services elementary aged students gather for bible stories, crafts, and conversation. Students cycle through a three-year primary and intermediate curriculum based on the Episcopal Children’s Curriculum (ECC).
Youth Grades 6-7
Students in grades 6 and 7 participate in a two year curriculum cycle. In year one, students explore the art of story-telling, through a year-long study of the bible and other figures important to the faith. In year two, students learn more about our liturgy and how prayer and rituals work to shape our common life and presence in the world.
Youth Grades 8-12
Formation for students in grades 8-12th is specially designed each year to follow the theological themes St. Luke’s adults are engaging in the Sunday morning forums. This year students will progress through a year-long curriculum called “Bridging and Belonging.” This class explores how identity is constructed, how belonging is cultivated, and practical and theological resources we can use to bridge across our differences.
Formation for the Whole Family
Several times each semester, St. Luke’s families gather for a morning focused on learning and community building. Adults come together for lectures on special topics and conversation about the vocation of parenting. Children and youth rotate through an array of activities; bread-making for Sunday morning Eucharist, choir practice, arts, crafts, and fun! The nursery is also open for our youngest members.
Special Activities
Children and youth at St. Luke’s participate in the life of the whole church. They serve as acolytes, read in services, sing in our Chorister Program, help arrange flowers for Sunday services, and serve on committees and in the community. Youth gather for youth group in addition to taking various trips each year to supplement their learning. At the end of their high school journey, our students have the opportunity to go on Pilgrimage together. We value a holistic approach to faith formation that engages the whole person. Come join us!
It is an honor to accompany you and your family as you journey together in faith. If you have questions about any of the programs listed or want to become more involved, please contact The Rev. Megan Swett.
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