Good Shepherd Society
If you have ever been to a service at St. Luke’s, walked onto our beautiful campus, or just parked in one of our parking lots, you have enjoyed the gifts given by countless people and multiple generations. One need only sit in our sanctuary for a moment to see the generosity surrounding us and the gifts given to us by past generations. We realize that we are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses that not only spans generations but their witness and generosity continues to be formative in our lives today.
We are the foundational generation for future parishioners—those who are currently too young to speak and those who will not be born for years to come—will look to us to provide a foundation upon which their ministry successes can be built.
The Good Shepherd Society was formed in 1993 by the Vestry of St. Luke’s to recognize and honor those who have made estate or planned gifts to benefit the church. The gifts can be made directly to the church or designated for the St. Luke’s Endowment Fund or one of the church’s other capital funds described below. The Society began with 60 founding members and today includes more than 200 individuals who are ensuring the legacy of our parish through planned gifts. Use this link to view a list of St. Luke's Good Shepherd Society members.
Percentage Bequest CodicilSpecific Bequest Codicil
- St. Luke’s Endowment Fund If you would like to make a gift to the Church which will be invested, preserved and used for the long-term benefit of St. Luke’s for building, property and maintenance needs, you can designate your gift for the St. Luke’s Endowment Fund. Four percent of the fund’s average annual market value over the past three years will be distributed to the church for its general operating budget.
- St. Luke’s Mission and Ministries Fund If you are interested in make a gift of at least $50,000 that will be invested and preserved for the long-term benefit of specific programs supporting the mission and ministries of the parish, you can designate your specific fund to be placed with others in the Mission and Ministries Fund.
- Rector, Warden Vestry Fund (RWV) If you would like to make a gift to be used to augment the Church’s annual income for current and new programs and activities as well as other immediate parish needs, please consider directing your gift to the Rector, Warden and Vestry Fund. Unrestricted gifts or bequests to St. Luke’s Church and restricted bequests or gifts under $50,000 will be placed in this fund.
If you have made a planned gift and would like to inform the church, please fill out this form:
Planned Giving
Thank you for providing for the future of St. Luke's. I will be in touch within 24 hours to confirm receipt of your form. - Mark Simmons