Good Shepherd Society
The Good Shepherd Society was formed in 1993 by the Vestry of St. Luke’s to recognize and honor those who have made estate or planned gifts to benefit the church. The Society began with 60 founding members and today includes more than 200 individuals who are ensuring the legacy of St. Luke’s Parish through planned gifts.
We'd like to thank all of the members of The Good Shepherd Society for their contributions.
Nancy Adams & Chris Kinney
Eula Aiken
Jane Alger
Bill & Cathy Allen
Betsy & Herschel Allen
Cotten & Valerie Alston
Elkin Alston
Harriett Alston
James L. Alston
Robert C. & Caro Alston
Stuart & Glen Alston
Bonneau & Florence Ansley
Shepard & Boyce Ansley
Alice Baker
Annabeth Balance & Elaine DeCostanzo
Evert Bancker
John & Nancy Beane
Bryan & Claire Benedict
James & Elizabeth Boyd
Albert & Elise Boylston
Edward W. Branan
Marva Jones Brooks & William Brooks
Susan B. Brooks
Norris & Eva Broyles
Shepard Bryan
James & Katharine Budd
J. Coleman & Nancy Budd
Frank Bullard
Steve & Nancy Burnett
Cary & Charles Calhoun
William O. Camp
Liz Chadwick
Daniel C. Cherrix
Donna Church
Ruth F. Claiborne
Ryburn G. Clay
Jean Parker Cobb
Annie Coleman
Gladys Irene Cook
William W. & Jean C. Cooper
Alger Coulon
John Howell Cox
Ann & Jeff Cramer
Mignon Crawford
Rosie Crowe
Brad & Sally Currey
Alan & Jeanne Daniels
Barbara Darmon
Carole Dean
Elwyn deGraffenried
Minnie deSaussure
Margaret Dickerson
Mary Wayne & William Dixon
Mynel Yates DuBose
John & Alison Earles
Mary Anne & Malcolm Edwards
Mary Ellington
Amelia Felts
Leslie Fight
Lynn Fight
Middleton Fitzsimmons
Frances Folkes
Trace & Caroline Fooshee
Harriet Forbes
Roberta S. Fowler
Carter Fowlkes
Brooks Franklin
Edward S. Gay
Thom Gelarden
Anna & David Gillon
Joseph & Jane Girardeau
Bob Glenn
Jack & Anne Glenn
Sandra Glover
John Goddard
Annie Goldsmith
Josephine Grant
Astrida Greco
Bruce Gunter
Daniel L. Hagen
Jan & Wilhelmina Hanrath
John Harland
Cappy Harmon & Bill Nicholson
Irene Harrower
Frank Hawkins
Katherine & Ryan Healan
Mary Jane Heyward
Albert Hibbard
Edwin Hines
Elizabeth C. Hines
Cara Hinman
Scott Hoag
Kay Hodges
Mary H. Hook
Priscilla & Linton Hopkins
Jeff Hopper & Elaine Swobe
Noreen E. Horrigan
Alice Noland Hugel
Emily C. Huie
Renee Huskey
Mary B. James
Mrs. Carlton Jeffers
Ben Jennings
Comer Jennings
Jane Johnson
Boisfeuillet & Anne Jones
Carlton Kimberly, Jr.
Mary & Elliott Kyle
Julia Kyle
Ethel Lamar
Philip & Nina Lamson
Harold & Pat Lanier
Sally Lawton
Richard H. Lee
Richard & Lillian Lester
Martha R. Lokey
Hamilton & Muriel Lokey
Jane & Bob Long
Pamela Loud
Karen Mallernee
Rollin Mallernee
Michael Marsh
Carolyn Marshall
Joseph Tooke Massey, Jr.
Lurton Massey
Mary Ann Massey
Jeff Mattox
Gordon & Claire May
Robert Lee Mays
Sue McAvoy
Helen McBurney
Ginna McFarling
Mac McFarling
Jim & Marshallyn McGee
Marjorie McLachlan
Bee Yeilding McNeil
Laura McNeil
Henry & Nancy Miller
Montserrat Miller
LaFayette Montgomery
Victoria N. Mooney
William & Roxie Mooradian
Henry Morgan
Carter & Hampton Morris
Ralph & Becky Clarke Morrison
Meg & Frank Moye
Jeff Muscarella
Margaret Nichols
Fred & Betty Nolting
Clara & John O’Shea
Wayne & Rees Olander
Gene Paradise & Bob Lightsey
Floyd Parker
Martha Perrin
Walt Perrin
Sam & Barbara Pettway
Frances T. Phillips
Hilda Pitts
Dorthea Plagwitz
Laurance Pless & Dana Halberg
G. Ernest Plunkett
Alice Porter
Ted & Susan Pound
Anne C. Pritchett
Rebecca Pruitt
Drew & Cap Putt
Gerald A. Reed
Keith & Susanna Roberts
Bill & Marilyn Rosenberg
Jane Roszel
Jackie & Murray Saylor
Jean Scaglion
Sharon Gay & Neil Schemm
Susan G. Schlittler
Lenore Schroder
Caroline R. Selden
Jonathan & Leigh Serrie
Tom & Virginia Shelton
Margaret Shepherd
Sue E. Sherrill
Trey & Dawn Shipp
Mark Simmons
Stuart & Spenser Simrill
Pheon Sinclair
Irene Smillie
Bootsie Smith
Louise Smith
Mary A. Smith
Hugh & Amy Stephenson
John & Paulette Stewart
David & Jackie Tatum
Eugene Todd
Brockover Toy
Rogers & Olive Toy
Pete Trammell
Kerry Traubert & John Raevuori
Ray & John Uttenhove
John Vann
Mary Patricia Vaskil
Lee Harper Vason
Wayne Vason
John Moore Walker
Alice P. Watson
Kim Weaver
Marshall & Marguerite Wellborn
Marilyn A. Williams
Ralph Williams, Jr.
Willie Fort Williams
Susan & Bill Willson
E. Blake & Alice Wood
William E. Woodruff
David Woodward
Zilpha Wooley
Sharon & Randy Young
John & Nancy Zintak
* This listing excludes those persons wishing to remain anonymous.