Holy Week
Holy Wednesday, March 27
7 p.m. The Office of Tenebrae: This service is an adaptation of ancient monastic liturgy, featuring the slow extinguishment of candles and chanted psalms and laments by the St. Luke’s Schola. This service will be streamed live.
Maundy Thursday, March 28
6 p.m. Agape Meal in Budd Hall
7* p.m. Maundy Thursday: This service includes ritual foot washing, Holy Eucharist, the stripping of the altar, and music led by the Adult Choir. This service will be streamed live.
8 p.m. Night Watch Vigil begins in Wilmer Chapel.
Good Friday, March 29
Noon The Three Hours: This service invites us to sit vigil with Jesus during the hours that he is thought to have hung on the cross and features prayer, hymns, instrumental music, and reflections. This service will be streamed live.
6:15 p.m. Stations of the Cross invites us to trace the final steps of Jesus with prayer and scripture.
7 p.m. Good Friday liturgy in the nave. This service will include the Passion as told by John, veneration of the cross, and music led by the St. Luke’s Schola. This service will be streamed live.
Saturday, March 30
10 a.m. Holy Saturday Service: This brief service of remembrance invites us to keep watch at the place of Jesus’ burial.
8 p.m. The Great Vigil: This service marks the first Eucharist of Easter and will include Baptisms and music led by the Adult Choir. Incense will be used at this service. This service will be streamed live.
Easter Day, March 31
Services at 8 a.m., 9* a.m., 11:15* a.m.
Music at the 9 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. services will be led by the Adult Choir and St. Luke’s Festival Brass. Incense will be used at the 11:15 a.m. service only. The 11:15 a.m. service will be streamed live.
10:15 a.m. Children, Youth, and Families (CYF) Easter Egg Hunt.
*indicates nursery care available
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